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Presentación En este apartado, Blog de psicología, iré colgando algunas cosas que entiendo pueden ser de interés para las personas interesadas en la psicología en particular y en la salud en general. Espero sea de vuestro interés y agradeceré los comentarios tanto en las redes donde los colgaré como por…


  A menudo intuimos y a veces tenemos la certeza de que nuestra psique, nuestra mente, influye en nuestra salud, pero ¿qué es la psicosomática? Hace décadas que se comenzó con el estudio de la psicosomática, que es una rama poco conocida y desarrollada de la salud que estudia la…

How to Cope with Coronavirus-Caused Mental Health Concerns

Today, it feels like everything has changed—it’s either been closed, postponed, or canceled. Some states have officially shut down. You’re working from home, while watching your kids (and trying to teach them). You haven’t seen or hugged your loved ones in weeks. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit..

Is It Important to Say “Please” and “Thank You” to Your Partner?

We’ve been taught by our parents that it’s important to be polite. We’ve been told that saying “please” and “thank you” are necessary to show respect and appreciation. But how far should we take that? Is it important to extend such politeness to our intimate partner? Or is there an.

10 Quarantine Activities That Don’t Involve Watching the News

Captain’s Log. Day eight of quarantine. Work has been busy; I’m grateful for the technology we have to collaborate and continue business during this time. I have walked around the block seven times today. I wonder how many days in a row I can eat frozen jalapeno poppers for lunch.

Building a New World

Usually, each day we wake up we can predict how our day will go. We have an outlined schedule that we follow, and we adapt to adjustments throughout the day because they are often minor. We establish a routine that makes us feel safe and comfortable. Routines give us a.

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